the mind.
my mind.
I had better thoughts about this subject last night but couldn't get to my laptop to purge them and send them out into the universe in written form. Then again, I am never without thought so any thought will do I suppose.
my brain.
It's been running for a long time now. Sometimes I wonder if it will burn out. If it does, what would life be like? Would I be able to relax? Be myself, whoever that really is?
In that vein, there are a few things I do know about myself:
*I love animals.
*I like to make people laugh, including myself.
*I think kids are cool.
*I believe that stuffed animals of any sort have feelings and I have a very hard time getting rid of any.
*My day job is rarely rewarding but I keep it because of the money. I'd much rather be home drawing, building websites/applications, or starting my own band.
*I think my house is haunted and I saw a ghost last night (second time in my life) but I haven't told anyone yet.
*Sometimes I can hear people talking who aren't there but I can assure you I'm not a schizophrenic. Once it was someone who died on the Titanic.
*I began having panic attacks when I was 10 years old and I've come to terms with the fact that it will never fully cease, it will only go through periods of dormancy.
*I have a high intelligence but I don't use it for anything productive. See work comment above.
*I realized that the reason I don't lose weight and instead keep weight on is not because of my metabolism but because of things that have happened in my past. It's my body's way of trying to protect me from those things ever happening again. This occurs unconsciously and for some reason the keys to this door were left in plain sight one night. I have no idea how to stop this from happening other than maybe learning Kung Fu.
*I have a lot of gas.
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