
Friday, October 18, 2013

Dog shaming

Dog Shaming
     I'm infatuated with this site. I've been visiting it almost daily for over a year now.  I have pets. You could say it is a small colony of pets. These include a one year old American Bulldog named Louise, a soon to be 13 year old Boston Terrier named Mr. Pooze (aka Spaz), and a few felines to top it off: Kiki, Belushi, Coraline, Re-re, and the terrible twins Roger and Randy, who I'm wishing I named Sam and Dean after the Winchester brothers from Supernatural. Maybe I'll take those names for a spin and see how it works out.
     The site is a wonderful stroll through a multitude of public animal shamings.  It makes me feel less alone when it comes to the destruction and heartbreak that having animals can bring you. By heartbreak I mean the distraught feelings of losing one of your favorite sneakers to giant teeth and slobber, having to toss out your favorite bra due to your cat wanting the world to know that you belong to him, or coming home to a sea of shredded paper towels in the kitchen because you swore that your dog could NOT reach that far back on the counter.  I love my animals and I love having animals so these sorts of things come with the territory.  Besides being a comfort, I get many a chuckle out of seeing other people's posts of what their animals have done. I also realize that what's happened to me could be far worse. 

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