
Monday, November 30, 2015

armpit hair

Can you just NOT? Why do you have to grow so fast?

I give up.

No more shaving the pits. F to the U, pits.

In other news, I moved my bedroom from the first floor up to a room on the second floor. I love it because now I can see cars go by the house through the windows while I'm sitting in bed. It's the little things, really.  Another added bonus is that it's warm. The bedroom downstairs was converted from a "davenport" as my Nana used to call it, into a bedroom. Needless to say the contractors that knocked windows and walls out did a piss poor job of insulating it and the boyfriend and I froze. I had pipes added in to get heat in there but for some reason they fail to work. I think it's because that room is so far away from the thermostat it doesn't realize how cold it gets. Whatever.

I'll miss my french doors though. The doors that open to a high porch that my dad built for me. I always wanted a bedroom with french doors leading out to a private porch.

Oh well.  I'll turn that room into my piano/tarot card reading room.

I guess I've decided to just make this blog my vomit ground.

F U armpit hair.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

the mind is a terrible thing to.....

the mind.
my mind.

I had better thoughts about this subject last night but couldn't get to my laptop to purge them and send them out into the universe in written form. Then again, I am never without thought so any thought will do I suppose.

my brain.

It's been running for a long time now. Sometimes I wonder if it will burn out. If it does, what would life be like? Would I be able to relax? Be myself, whoever that really is?
In that vein, there are a few things I do know about myself:

*I love animals.
*I like to make people laugh, including myself.
*I think kids are cool.
*I believe that stuffed animals of any sort have feelings and I have a very hard time getting rid of any.
*My day job is rarely rewarding but I keep it because of the money. I'd much rather be home drawing, building websites/applications, or starting my own band.
*I think my house is haunted and I saw a ghost last night (second time in my life) but I haven't told anyone yet.
*Sometimes I can hear people talking who aren't there but I can assure you I'm not a schizophrenic. Once it was someone who died on the Titanic.
*I began having panic attacks when I was 10 years old and I've come to terms with the fact that it will never fully cease, it will only go through periods of dormancy.
*I have a high intelligence but I don't use it for anything productive. See work comment above.
*I realized that the reason I don't lose weight and instead keep weight on is not because of my metabolism but because of things that have happened in my past. It's my body's way of trying to protect me from those things ever happening again. This occurs unconsciously and for some reason the keys to this door were left in plain sight one night. I have no idea how to stop this from happening other than maybe learning Kung Fu.
*I have a lot of gas.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Pool life

I need one of these for the pool. I love Amazon.

Hello me, it's me again

Found a strange jellyfish in my iced tea this morning. Guess I won't be drinking iced tea for a while.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Without wits

Whatever happened to intelligent life? Intelligent conversation? Why is everything laced with noxious, boring vomit?

Do people know where they are going when they leave their house and get into their metal death machines?  Rather, their plastic and fiberglass death machines. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I wonder how many amputated limbs actually make it to the incinerator?

I bet there are fields full of the bones. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

soft core what?

I think a good way to make a few bucks would be to host a soft core porn website where the only videos posted are of broads trying to put fitted sheets on their beds. It harkens back to the days of.................well, who am I kidding, the days of Olympic gymnastics never leave a dudes interests. Do they? All of those hours of coverage in the 80's and all of those homes and apartments teeming with ladies struggling for clean sleeping quarters.

Let that sink in for a few. 

You agree with me, don't you.

Nod your head with me.

Of course, I came up with this idea while making my bed this evening. I'm pretty sick of getting up when it's still dark to go to work for someone else and the feeling has been shrouding me in its ghostly crosshatches of linen for weeks. So much so that I can't see through it any longer. My vision, for the moment, is marred by the blanket of wanting to set my own hours and answer to no one but myself.  I can hardly imagine a life that is office drama free.  A little slice of somewhere else that's just out of reach.