
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

No bath

Someone does NOT want a bath. 

I don't get it. She is a large, large dog with a menacing bark and yet she is scared to death about being clean. You guys, she seriously needs a bath. She smells like old man cellar and outside. Of course, I just HAD to adopt a white model canine so she's dirtier than the average bear. She also sheds like a fiend. Short hair = hair everywhere. 
She's an American Bulldog and she is the smartest and sweetest dog ever. She's also really protective. I'm not sure what happened to her in the short 4 months she had without me, but she does not like men she does not know. Girls? No problem. Boys? You are going to get growled at and averted at all costs. 

Honestly, I haven't loved a dog this much  since my pug, Shelby, aka Noonie aka Shel Bo Baggins passed away. 

She's pretty rad. Even though she stinks. 

Look at that face. 
When she gets warm, her skin turns pink. 

Ps. I didn't spell check this as I'm going against my rule and posting from my iPhone and while imbibing on spirits. If it's one thing I've learned, stay away from the internet when you've been drinking. 

Muahahaha I'll probably post again tonight. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

collllddddd and scarrryyyyy

This is what I looked like this morning while I pumped gas into my car.

Soooooooo, this just happened:

the meterological gods have changed their minds and gave me more snow! I think my post yesterday did the trick.
My philosophy is, if it has to be cold outside, there had better be snow. I think I'm low on the pole when it comes to getting excited over storms approaching. My uncle once told me "You're not a true 'Fedden' at heart if you hate snow."  Fedden, by the way, is my grandfather's surname. It doesn't look too German, but it is. His family is from Friedrichshafen, Germany, right on Lake Constance. Needless to say, that city is on my list of places to visit.  But that's a whole different story.

I was talking about snow again.

Oh well, at least I have something to post for tomorrow.  I have a great winter photograph of my grandparents that I'll share instead of rabbit drawings. 

Almost forgot.

Happy Friday the 13th!  Muahahahahaha

Thursday, December 12, 2013


The static electricity that ensues due to increased indoor heat because it's stupid cold outside drives me a bit insane. My hair, my clothes, my cats, even my socks have static.

You just can't shake it.

I can't seem to stop drawing this rabbit.

It's not officially winter until Dec 21st but it's definitely reared it's frozen head where I live. I love snow. I have 4 wheel drive and I don't mind driving in it. I hate other drivers. They ruin winter for me. Coming to a dead stop on an incline up a mountain is not how you drive in the snow and yet this is what happens EVERY. SINGLE. WINTER. SEASON. One would think that having lived in said mountains for a period of time, one would adjust.  No.  no.  NO. 
But I'm excited nonetheless. Being an eternal child has it's benefits. One is getting ready to bolt outside and bury your dog in the snow. Another is trying to get her to pull your sled, which she won't do, and will leave you face down in the snow for having attempted it. Cheeky girl. Then I walk to my parents house and I throw snowballs at their windows until they acknowledge that I'm outside in the snow. That's about the time I build the snow ramp in their yard since they have a great slope for sledding. Woohoo!

I'm a little disappointed that I'm not in the 6-12 inch band of snow. For some reason, old man winter has been dumping snow everywhere around me and ignoring me like a little kid.  What gives, you jerk?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I had more sugar than I'm used to today. 

So much that I realized that I was meowing at my desk. I was thinking about my cat, sitting in my dining room window.  He sits on his tail. He's very bushy. His name is Belushi but I call him BOOSH because he's really hairy and poofy.

The sugar is leaving me and I'm thinking about dinner.

I love Italian food. All of it.  I try not to eat too much pasta and cheese. It's going to be hard to not eat a ton of this tonight.

The coffee is still raging on in my system though. I love coffee.  Coffee and sugar do things to me. They make me outgoing and focused. In the right amount, together they make me a tornadic whirlwind of silly loudness. It's almost to tourette's levels.  I feel like Edgar right before he burst out of his Edgar suit.

Oh god.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

the pause before i have to board the ride again

Today is just do it without thinking day. After being flashed by the bright light located at the apex of a stress a-bomb, a short reprieve occurs.

I level up

Then back

and ultimately realize that I'm a nude rabbit who loathes raw carrots and just wants some hummus.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Today is just


I swear my teeth have hair. 

Something new. So new that I can't access my computer to scan and color. 

More soon. 
Unless I become consumed with killing things and leveling up in Borderlands 2 again.