I don't get it. She is a large, large dog with a menacing bark and yet she is scared to death about being clean. You guys, she seriously needs a bath. She smells like old man cellar and outside. Of course, I just HAD to adopt a white model canine so she's dirtier than the average bear. She also sheds like a fiend. Short hair = hair everywhere.
She's an American Bulldog and she is the smartest and sweetest dog ever. She's also really protective. I'm not sure what happened to her in the short 4 months she had without me, but she does not like men she does not know. Girls? No problem. Boys? You are going to get growled at and averted at all costs.
Honestly, I haven't loved a dog this much since my pug, Shelby, aka Noonie aka Shel Bo Baggins passed away.
She's pretty rad. Even though she stinks.
Look at that face.
When she gets warm, her skin turns pink.
Ps. I didn't spell check this as I'm going against my rule and posting from my iPhone and while imbibing on spirits. If it's one thing I've learned, stay away from the internet when you've been drinking.
Muahahaha I'll probably post again tonight.